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Upcoming Events

All donations are tax-deductible.  A giving receipt will be provided at the end of the year.

Our Mission Statement

"Ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of individuals in the community by providing nutritionally sound meals to those persons who, because of age, physical disability, or convalescence, are unable to prepare meals for themselves."

Arkansas Senior Hunger Facts:


154,097 seniors are isolated, living alone.

156,436 are threatened by hunger.

210,744 have difficulty paying for basic living needs.



Meals on Wheels Delivers the Support:


84% say it helps them eat healthier.

83% says it improves their health.

92% says it enables them to remain living in their home.

87% says it makes them feel more safe and secure.


$1,193.50 - the cost of 6 meals a week for 1 year to feed a senior - that's less than 1 day in a hospital.


Source: Meals on Wheels America


Highest Rates of Senior Hunger


Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama. Nevada. Tennessee,


Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Georgia, & South Carolina


Source: Gunderson, Craig and Ziliak, James. "The State of Senior Hunger in America


2011: An Annual Report." National Foundation to End Senior Hunger, September, 2013.





© 2018 by Meals on Wheels of Benton County • All Rights Reserved • 

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Meals on Wheels of Benton Countyis a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

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